
Easily share data that you trust.

Apollo delivers best practices in an automated, interconnected analytics environment where maintenance and additions are easy. So you can achieve new analytics frontiers.


Business Requirements

Apollo is designed to help you answer your business questions. It provides thousands of proven real-world business requirements learned from twenty years of experience. These empower you to have meaningful dialog with stakeholders about what data they need. Apollo shows you exactly what questions can be answered.

Best Practice Solution Design

Once you have selected your business requirements, Apollo automatically provides a best-practice solution design that configures your tool in the ideal way. Your team no longer needs to learn the difference between eVars and sProps! All you need to do is tell Apollo which analytics tool variables to use!

Import Your Existing Implementation

Some days you want to throw your analytics instance out and start over. But when you can’t or shouldn’t, Apollo provides an automated import tool that allows you to leverage your existing implementation, while at the same time mapping it to the correct approach in Apollo. This allows you to keep your historical data and add new business requirements found in Apollo.


Dynamic Data Layer & Tagging Specifications

Traditionally, a developer must manually design a data layer and generate code to populate it. But Apollo dynamically builds the data layer and tagging specifications in real-time. And Apollo programmatically updates these, so they are always current. Tagging specifications can be exported to your developers via GitHub integration.

Visual SDR

The Visual SDR is a graphical view of your implementation that enables you to see where everything fits. This can be used to see which implementation items are most valuable and whether you have missed any implementation associations. 


Automatically Configure Tag Management

Apollo leverages state-of-the-art APIs to programmatically configure your tag management system in seconds instead of weeks. Plus, it reduces error and can be updated at any time. Go ahead, change your business requirements. They’ll be propagated into your TMS in minutes. Your implementation and TMS are always updated and synchronized.

Dynamic Administration Settings Synchronization

Updating settings manually is a huge pain. In contrast, Apollo’s administration setting synchronization component enables you to update your analytics tool settings in seconds. Using the prescriptive solution designs generated in Apollo, you can ensure that all of your variable settings are updated and working hand-in-hand with the rest of your implementation.

Automatically Build Dashboards

Apollo automatically builds dashboards and reports for your end-users. Since Apollo knows what you have in your implementation and which events and attributes go together, it can save your business time and money by pre-populating dashboards and reports. End-users get the insights they need to start with and can begin to take action on your data immediately.

Automatically Create Conversion Metrics

Conversion metrics are vital. But most analytics tools don’t provide out-of-the-box conversion metrics relevant to your business. Apollo provides a library of conversion metrics and shows you which ones you can/cannot take advantage of, based upon your business requirements. Apollo automatically creates conversion metrics & sends them to your analytics tool, where they can be leveraged by all users.


Quality Assurance

Since Apollo builds and monitors your data layer, it knows what’s in it and what the data that’s passed to it should look like. When any data issues are found, Apollo automatically alerts you. Everything in Apollo is interconnected, so you’ll also be notified if any business question or report becomes unusable due to data quality issues. With Apollo, the overall data quality of your analytics program is optimized and always improving.

Ready to take a spin around Apollo?